7-Time Trading Champion Chuck Hughes Reveals
“Can’t Lose” Strategy Behind His Success!

The Option Trading

Secret That Guarantees
With Every Trade!

RedArrow Amazing No-Risk, Can’t Lose Trades
RedArrow 98% Accurate!    
RedArrow $1,756,533.72 in Real Money Profits Right Now!
RedArrow Average Trade Profits of $1,300-$5,200
RedArrow Risk Less Than $100 Per Trade
RedArrow Very Often NO RISK – A GUARANTEED
Win of $900 - $10,000 or more
RedArrow Discover Entire Strategy For Postage and Printing Costs Only


Hello, this is Chuck Hughes.

If you’ve always wanted to make an extra $1,300 to $5,200 a day trading options, then please pay attention.

What I am about to show you could change your life forever.

I’ve prepared a brand-new special report that reveals the simple trading secret I’ve used to...

  • Collect $7,485,348.68 in gross option premium income over the past  five years alone . . .
  • Make as much as $1,023,174 in just 26 days of trading…
  • Make $1,244,575.20 during the 2000-2002 “tech wreck,” when the S&P 500 plummeted from 1500 to 800... and
  • Produce $1,756,533.72 in ACTUAL open trade profits right now – with 18 winning trades and no losing trades resulting in 100% accuracy.
  • Post an average return per trade of 223.5%.

Now, I’m not telling you all this to brag.

I just want you to know that ANYONE can make regular, consistent profits trading options... IF they learn a few simple secrets.

Here’s what just some of my beginning students have to say...



“So far, I’ve raked in over $1.54 MILLION and I’m still going strong.” –Daniel, happily retired in Florida

“$35,225 in the past 5 weeks and I’m a beginner.” –Anne, New Jersey

“Trading can be very exciting… I made nearly $30,000 profit in one day.” –Jack, retired optometrist

“In just two short months I have made profits of $28,568.36.” –Bob G.

“My account is already up 50% and growth is really accelerating fast.” –Dr. David V., Seattle, WA



The trading secret I am about to show you in this presentation transforms option investing...

...  from one of the highest risk investments to...

...  one of the lowest risk investments.

That’s right:  Despite what you may have heard, trading options can actually be LESS risky than many other types of investing... IF you do it the right way.

What’s more, the simple yet amazingly powerful strategy I am about to show you is so easy that a typical high school student can do it.

The strategy can be used at most online brokerages.  It’s like buying and selling a stock online. 

No Experience Needed!

And You Can Get Started

with Very Little Money


I have a small retirement trading account which currently has a portfolio of 12 option trades with a total cost of only $1,715 to purchase these options.

Even the commissions are low:  the brokerages we use only charge $6 to $8 per trade.

 What I particularly like about the option trading secret I will show you is that you don’t have to monitor the markets constantly... or even set protective stops. 

It’s literally set it and forget it.

The other thing that’s nice about this trading secret is that the option trades are profitable no matter what happens with the underlying stock or ETF. 

What’s more, if the market as a whole crashes – the way it did in 2008-2009 – your profits go from sensational to... almost unbelievable. 

As incredible as it sounds, the lower the market falls, the more money you make!

That’s good news because many economists are predicting a very bumpy road ahead for the global economy. 

That may or may not be true.  I remain an agnostic about most macroeconomic questions.  I simply follow the money… and then act accordingly. 

So Easy and Simple a

High School Student Can Do It

Most option trading strategies, such as those based on the Black-Scholes Pricing Model, are extremely complicated. 

You have to almost have a Ph.D. in mathematics to be able to do the calculations they require.

But fortunately, the “trick” I will show you is nothing like that. 

Even though it is very simple, this option trading secret works better than almost all of the complicated option strategies out there.

In a moment, I’m going to show you precisely how this trading secret works.

It lets my students and me earn huge profits without taking big risks . . . and often we take no risk at all.

We risk as little as $100... but our average trading profits range between $1,200 and $5,200.

What’s more, if you go through this entire message, I’m going to offer you an opportunity to learn my other proven option trading secrets – at zero risk.

Before I tell you about the option trading trick, however, let me tell you why I know... beyond a shadow of a doubt...

Why YOU Can Make

Profits like These as Well!

I was an airline pilot most of my career.   I studied trading on my days off but never really did much with it.

But then one day, I was suddenly struck with a severe case of vertigo... a medical condition in which you lose all sense of balance. 

Needless to say, my airline career was over in a heartbeat. 

I was suddenly grounded – and, worse than that, out of a job.

I had no choice.  I was forced to take action with my trading.

I started option trading in 1984 with a $4,600 trading account.

The first year, I brought in $69,030 in actual cash profits.

The year after that, I made $391,134 in profits.

In just 2 years, I had $460,164 in actual profits.

It was more money than I earned in the previous SIX years as an airline pilot.

You can see copies of the income statements for those years here and here.

The Option Trading Secret

That Changed My Life

Well, I stumbled upon a very simple but highly accurate method for determining whether a given stock or ETF is likely to go UP in the coming weeks... or likely to go DOWN.

Instead of using complicated mathematical formulas, I used a very simple trend-following system to determine whether a stock or ETF is going up or down in price.

I’ve refined this method over the years, but in essence it’s the same.  Here’s the secret right now: 

I correlate what is called the 50-Day Exponential Moving Average (EMA) of a stock in relation to its 100-Day Exponential Moving Average.

It used to be slightly more difficult to calculate this indicator by hand... but now this is available free on the Internet. 

This one trading secret has made me literally MILLIONS of dollars…

 In addition, I have two simple rules: 

Rule #1:  When a stock is going up in value, I buy “call” options on that stock. 

Rule #2:  If a stock is doing down in value, I buy “put” options.

That’s it.  Not very complicated.

However, I have refined this to include one more rule.

Rule 3:  When you’re making money with a call option, buy a put option to lock in your profits no matter what happens.

That’s all there is to it.  Let me give you an example in the real world...

CIGNA Market Neutral Spread

The technical name for this strategy is a “Market Neutral Spread.”  It means you make money whether the underlying stock goes up or down.

Here’s an example of how it works:

Our simple trend-following method revealed that the stock CIGNA (symbol CI) was on a trend following “buy” signal.

As a result, we purchased the CI 70-Strike call option for 1.885 points or $188.50.

“Buy 2 Cigna Sep 70-Strike call options @ 1.885”

As we expected, CIGNA stock moved up in price after our call purchase so we then had a profitable trade.

But then we faced the dilemma: 

Do we hold on to a winning call option trade for further upside profit potential or do we take profits in case CIGNA stock declines in price with the possibility of a profitable option trade turning into a loss?

We chose the third option, our Rule #3: 

We purchased a CIGNA put option that allowed us to lock in profits for our call option trade no matter what happened. 

We “legged in” to a Market Neutral Spread by purchasing the CI 77.5-Strike put option.

Our online brokerage account report below shows that we purchased the CI 77.5-Strike put option for 1.615 points or $161.50.

Here’s what all this looked like:


We call this type of trade a “Market Neutral Spread” because you make money whether the stock goes up or down.

Once we have the trade in place, we use a special online calculator (available to members of our advisory service) to determine what our profits will be depending on how much the stock rises or falls in price.

In this case, if the CIGNA stock rises 20% in value, then this trade would make us $1,976 – or 575% profit! 

And what if the stock falls in value? 

In that case, we still make money.  If the stock falls 20% in value, we make $1,882 (or 337% gain).

It’s literally win-win!

If the stock market crashes and the stock wipes out, we STILL MAKE MONEY! 

If the stock went to zero, we’d make $7,400 on this trade alone!

I’ve Been Making Money Like

This for 30 Years – And So Can You!

As I said:  trading like this is virtually “can’t lose” guaranteed profits!

To prove just how easy it is to make money trading options with this approach, I began competing in global trading championships. 

I won not once but seven times, beating out some of the most famous stock pickers and traders in the world

What’s more, no one else has won 7 times in the 32 year history of the world trading championships.

I still make money every day using this method, and I don’t use any complicated formulas or calculations at all.

This simple secret made all the difference.  I still generate hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in actual cash profits. 

Take a look at the brokerage statement nearby. 

As you can see, this is just for a single trading account. 

Yet this one account has $1,356,052.06 in profits outstanding. 

A second account has $400,481.66 in cash profits.

Trading Account 2

And let me emphasize one thing: 

These are NOT “hypothetical” profits. 

These are NOT profits I “could” have made or “potentially” made. 

These are the weasel words you hear all over the Internet. 

You and I both know that anyone can create a trading system, tweak the data, and come up with a “back tested” trading system that doesn’t work in the real world.

Instead, what I am showing you are the real-money profits I make trading options. 

In a moment, I’ll show you what some of my students have done as well. 

You won’t believe how easy it is to make consistent profits trading... once you know the few simple tricks that I’ll show you.

Ordinary People Like You Are

Making Thousands of Extra Dollars


I’ve taught my options trading techniques to literally thousands of people – most of whom knew little or nothing about trading options before they got started.

They are using my techniques to generate enormous profits without taking big risks.

Here’s what a few of them say...


“Averaging over 45,700 a month for three years.”

–Dan J., Florida

“Within 24 months I had a new career, a new home, a new lifestyle.”

–John Weston

“I don’t ever have to worry about working or about money. I’ve got Chuck Hughes.”

–Don T.

“I know I can use the knowledge in the future to make a good steady income.”

–Gilles K., Sarasota, FL

“Your teaching methods of creating wealth step-by-step, were easy to follow, a breeze to learn and even easier to put into practice.” –Marie



I’ve found that just about anybody can learn how to make money trading options once I show them the basics.

And that’s why I would like to send you a copy of my amazing guide, Guaranteed Real Optioneering Winners.

This is a valuable “refresher” course for options veterans...and an essential guide if you are new to options trading.

This guidebook is short and simple...teaching you only what you need to know about options and none of the complicated theories you don’t need.

It gives you the practical, real-world knowledge required in order to successfully trade options.

You don’t need to know complicated math or formulas like you have probably been led to believe.

You just need to know the simple mechanics of buying and selling options.

And this guide breaks options trading down to the bare essentials you need. It even includes quizzes to make sure you understand each topic.

GROWYou’ll discover...

  • The truth about buying call and put options... Page 2.
  • How to maintain at least a 3 to 1 profit to loss ratio on all trades... Page 3
  • Why taking small losses is the key to big profits... Page 3
  • What you must do immediately if you have a profitable position... Page 4.
  • When to automatically exit a trade... and when you should let your profits ride... Page 5.
  • The importance of the 30% Rule... Page 6.
  • The quickest, easiest way to build up a trading account... Page 6.
  • The single most important step you must take when calculating the size of your trade... Page 11
  • How to read option trading symbols – and the secret to understanding option prices... Page 19
  • The 2 advantages that options have over stocks and mutual funds... Page 21
  • What you must know about selling short options (the truth will make you rich)... Page 29
  • 4 reasons why you should considering buying put options... Page 32.
  • The right way and the wrong way to place option trades online... Page 36
  • And lots, lots MORE!


If You Say “Yes” Today

You Get All This for Just $39!

This authoritative guide would normally cost $199 or more.

But, if you say “Yes” today, I’m going to send it to you for just $39!

Along with it, I’m also going to give you a one-month FREE subscription to our Hughes Optioneering Weekly Workshop newsletter.

The Hughes Optioneering™ Team gives trade suggestions for their option strategies through the Hughes Optioneering Weekly Workshop newsletter.

This newsletter reviews the option strategies that are working best for the current market conditions and helps you see these strategies in action. 

Each trade is broken down so you can see and understand exactly WHY each option was chosen and when.

The whole purpose of this weekly newsletter is to “solidify” your education and build your confidence in the Optioneering Trading Strategies you’ll discover.

And you get all this FREE for a full month...

... simply for ordering your copy of Guaranteed Real Optioneering Winners for $39. If you wish to continue, you will be billed automatically for $39 each month. You may cancel at any time.

And That’s Not All!  Get These

Three Bonus Guides as Free Gifts!

To make your decision even easier, I’ve also decided to include not one but THREE bonus guides to option trading... yours FREE.

BONUS GIFT #1: A Practical Guide to Understanding Options –– a $39 Value, Yours FREE!  This valuable bonus report teaches you all the crucial points you'll need to quickly become a successful options trader.  You'll learn how to make options trades online following just a few simple rules.  In this bonus report, you’ll discover s  How to take advantage of the “option” in option contracts (p. 4)... s  The essentialterms you need to understand to trade options (p. 5)...s The difference between calls, puts and LEAPS (p. 7)... *  and lots MORE!

BONUS GIFT #2: Astonishing $4.5 Million in Profits – a $39 Value, Yours FREE!    In this special bonus report, you’ll discover a solid, safe investing program that has made me $4,569,797.98 in actual documented profits.  Making money does not need to be complicated. See for yourself how to achieve simple, large and consistent profits!  I tell you about... s Your best opportunity for investment success – and why you don’t need a lot of money to get started... s  How to treat our option trading like a part-time business (p. 4)... *  Why you can learn option trading without risking a single dime (p. 5)... s  My secret Wealth Building Formula and why it will work for you (p. 7)... s How to combine stocks with options for maximum profits (p. 11)... *  And lots MORE!

BONUS GIFT #3: — Extra Money Made Easy  – a $39 Value, Yours FREE!  This little-known, yet simple program hasworked like this for over 10 years with staggering profits. Time after time after time, Chuck has piled up a steady, sure-fireenormous extra income automatically. In this third bonus report, you’ll discover... *  The “secret” indicator that tells you when stocks are a good opportunity for shorting (p. 4)... s  The 4 types of short trades thatare limited risk (p. 12)... * 3 investments that options traders should NEVER make (p. 13)... s  The number one rule of investing (p. 13)... s  How to survive economic apocalypse and still make big profits (p. 14)... and lots, lots MORE!

We’re Making Over $60,000 Per

Month in Live Trading Profits

The Hughes Optioneering Strategies produced $723,283.39 in live trading profits over the past year which averages out to over $60,000 a month in profits.

What’s more, the strategies produced $3,053,547.02 in live trading profits over the past 5 years.

Our subscribers have watched in astonishment as their incomes grew substantially larger year by year.

And I do NOT want you to miss out on this awesome profit opportunity. 

As a result, I’ve created what I consider to be a truly “no brainer” offer:

100% Money Back Guarantee:

Try Out My Options Trading Secret

I’m so convinced that you’ll be delighted with your copy of Guaranteed Real Optioneering Winners your free trial subscription to my Hughes Optioneering Weekly Workshop newsletter, I’m prepared to offer you the strongest money-back guarantee possible.

Send for your copy of Guaranteed Real Optioneering Winners and try out our Hughes Optioneering Weekly Workshop newsletter with no risk or obligation.

Bottom line:  If the prospect of making $1,300 to $5,200 per option trade while taking practically no risk is the least bit intriguing to you …

... if the opportunity to generate thousands of dollars of month in extra income is important to you …

... then send for your copy of Guaranteed Real Optioneering Winners right away.

You’ll Be Astonished at How

Much Money You’re Making...

or You Pay NOTHING!

As I see it, you have 3 options:

You can forget you ever read this message, and tell yourself that trading profits of $1,200 to $5,200 per trade are “impossible”...
You can keep going from website to website, reading articles and books about trading to see if there’s some magic system that you haven’t heard about yet.  (Not much better than your first option.)
Three Or you can get a copy of Guaranteed Real Optioneering Winners right now, and learn from a 7-time world trading championship winner what “really works” when it comes to trading options. 


Frankly, #3 is your best option.  GROW

That’s because there’s no risk involved whatsoever.

Not only do you get ALL the details on my “can’t lose” options trading strategy... you get FREE access for one full month to my personal trading recommendations.  Plus, you get 3 fantastic bonuses... FREE.

If you’re looking for a realistic, proven way to grow a small amount of money into a sizable fortune, then I can honestly say Guaranteed Real Optioneering Winners is your best bet. 

Not only have I personally done the things I believe you can do – for example, I started with a small $4,600 trading account and made $460,000 my first two years of trading  – but I’ve helped many other investors do the same thing, too.    

The Hughes Optioneering™ Team has taught thousands of people from all walks of life and backgrounds with no investing experience to trade the Optioneering™ strategies. Since 1999 their advisory service has produced over $8.3 million in live trading profits with no losing years enabling their members to profit year after year.

So don’t wait another minute.

Click the big button below NOW to secure your copy.

So you risk nothing to learn the secret that guarantees options profits. 

Order Now for Just $39 with 100% Money Back Guarantee!

Try It Risk-Free for 60 Days!


Chuck Hughes

Chuck Hughes

P.S. This is the most exciting, revolutionary new trading strategy you’ve ever seen.  The basic approach alone is worth thousands of dollars.  And once you’ve seen the OptioneeringTM Market Neutral strategy in action, you’ll never want to trade again without it!

P.P.S. Call 1-888-233-1431 and get your copy of Guaranteed Real Optioneering Winners -- and get started making money with options right away.


Past performance is not indicative of future results. Trading on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Before deciding to invest in options you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your initial investment and therefore you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. You should be aware of all the risks associated with options trading, and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you have any doubts. No statement within this brochure should be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell a security or to provide you with investment advice

NOTICE: Testimonials are believed to be true based on the representations of the persons providing the testimonials, but facts stated in testimonials have not been independently audited or verified. Nor has there been any attempt to compare the experiences of the persons giving the testimonials after the testimonials were given. The average reader should not necessarily expect the same or similar results. Testimonials are not indicative of future performance or results. No compensation was paid for testimonials.